Sweet Corn:CON

I find this question coming up more and more often…isn’t corn and foods made from corn good?
Well, the answer is yes, BUT there are a few details you need to know first. It’s been approximated that about 60% of corn is genetically modified. The practice of genetically modifying corn began in an attempt to make corn crops resistant to certain pesticides. This helps the farmers because they are then able to grow a larger crop because it is easier to fight off pests. Does it help us as the consumer??

Sweet corn has also been genetically modified so that it produces a poison which kills harmful insects. This means the farmer no longer needs to fight insects with insecticides. Now although some of this may sound like a good thing (especially if you’re a farmer!), we need to consider how our bodies respond to GMO foods and what kind of damages they can inflict on our health over a longer period of time. Well, because the introduction of GMO foods is still relatively new, we’re in a way being used as “lab rats” in a massive experiment. Research Institutes in the UK announced that experiments had shown intestinal changes in rats caused by eating genetically engineered potatoes and I don’t know about you, but I’m not happy about anybody trying to mess with my intestines!

It’s amazing to me how many people now complain of things like irritable bowel syndrome and other nagging digestive problems including gastric discomfort and constipation to name a few. I am sure that eating GMO foods along with other processed foods is the only significant contributor for these problems.

First, lets look at how  your body reads corn as a grain and not as a vegetable so if you are to include it into your meals, this will be the grain (carbohydrate) for your meal. So having corn would be having a carbohydrate (grain) as a meal. This is not necessarily off limits and not “bad” in any way, just consider if you are someone who is sensitive to grains, you will lose weight faster by greatly reducing the number of grains you eat each day.

Here is a tip: follow the “no grain” diet plan  for 2 weeks and see if that helps break through any weight loss plateaus and/or helps your digestion. You can consult with us to have a customized no grain diet plan made for you.

What about microwave popcorn?
Well even the organic varieties contain preservatives, since of course they need to be preserved and have been shown to contain the same chemical coating in the bag that is used on non-stick cookware. I would recommend you stay away from this stuff.

How about air popped popcorn?
This is your best bet and can definitely be used as an occasional snack without the funny seasoning and dressing with butter aka cheese… Remember most people lose weight faster by decreasing not necessarily eliminating many grains. Snacking on popcorn every day could and most likely will, impede your weight loss efforts. I hope this information helps you to make a more informed decision at your next movie plan or when you pick up a  microwaveable version of popCON and at your supermarket or grocery store next time.

Okay, so what is the alternative for GMO corn? Go for the organic varieties. Let me give you a few benefits of non GMO corn:

  • This popular food is high in fiber. In fact, it’s notoriously hard to digest.
  • Corn contains abundant phosphorus apart from magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron and copper. It also contains trace minerals like selenium.
  • Corn is a surprising source of several vitamins including folic acid, niacin, and vitamin C.
  • Beta carotene that gives the corn its rich orange color may also avert signs of lung cancer and promote lung health.
  • Thiamine (a component of Vitamin B) helps promote increased memory and helps children with increasing brainpower and memory.
  • Studies also suggest that despite the cooking process, corn does not lose its antioxidant properties.

Remember, corn is good as long as its within limits. Next time when you shop, just remember you’re looking for the non-GMO varieties and include it as a grain and not a vegetable into your meal plans.
