Tag Weight loss

Weight Loss Myths

There is a ton of free advice seen in the media these days and if taken seriously, can it really set you forward on your weight loss endeavors? I doubt it! This can lead to the kind of frustration that…

10 Ways to Lose Weight Without Starving

For most people, losing weight is a tremendous task, and with good reason! Exercising is not fun for a majority of the population, and we all need constant motivation to keep us going. Often, the motivation lasts only so long,…

Five reasons why you can’t lose weight

Many diets fail because dieters make too many drastic changes too quickly, then decide they can’t live with the new program. Remember, these are sustained changes, not quick fixes. Feel free to ease into a healthier lifestyle so that it…

Sleep can help you lose weight

Do you need to lose weight? Then, turn off the television or computer an hour earlier and go to bed. We’re sleeping too little, experts warn. Changes in hormone levels have been linked to sleep deprivation in several studies. One…