
BeWell Informed

Cholesterol: The truth

I am going to let you in on something shocking. Cholesterol is not the major culprit in heart disease. I know this may be hard to believe; after all we have heard about the dangers of high cholesterol from our…

What the experts don’t tell you

I know that many people who just want a quick fat-loss fix are destined to fail, especially if they are following conventional wisdom rather than seeking true health. They want something that requires no effort and gives instant results. That’s…

Power of Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds add texture to baked goods, a nutty flavor to sushi rolls, stir-fries and salads, and ground sesame seeds are used to make delicious and nutritious spreads like tahini, hummus and sesame butter. Plus, I don’t think I’ve ever…

Coffee/Tea: Good or Bad for you?

Is your morning coffee or tea an okay option, really bad for you, or is it actually good? I get these questions about coffee and health all the time and it is smart to take a look at both the…

Olive Oil Deceptions

Recent conversations where I’ve had to defend my views regarding the pricing (affordable brands are not always good), purity, and quality of olive oil (with my client claiming that branded=Trust & greater purity) inspired me to write the following post.…

Weight Loss:How to Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is a term often associated with weight loss. It is the name for the process by which the body converts what you eat and drink into the energy needed to power everything you do, from moving and breathing to…