
BeWell Informed

Bewell: A Year Later…

On this day, June 6, 2011, as I sit and write this message, it feels right to quietly contemplate the year that has passed and the hopes and goals for the future. Today is the eve of the one-year anniversary…

The Poison In Our Every Day Food Supply !!

What substance could be so harmful that it causes all these health problems and yet is so prevalent in our food supply that most people are eating dangerous amounts every single day, without giving it a second thought? This substance…

Want To Lose Body Fat: Be Happy?

Have you heard the phrase, “what you appreciate, appreciates?” It means that the more you are thankful for something, the more things you will have to be thankful for. Kind of like when you praise your kid for doing his…

Liposuction : The Reality

Popularly known as the weight loss method of choice of the rich and famous, and a panacea for self confidence issues, liposuction has become a glorified means to an end. However, not too many people are well informed of the…

Fasting: Does it really work?

Want to drop those extra pounds in time for that holiday or party?Go on a Fast. At least, that’s what most are doing in order to lose weight quickly. But does it work? And more importantly, is it safe? What…

Weight Loss Benefits: Hi Honey

The benefits of honey can be seen in your weight loss program as well. If you are trying to lose weight, honey can be of great help to you. But before we move on to the benefits of honey in…