Vivek P

Vivek P

Cosmetics or Flawsmetics ??

Is it just about the food we eat or  Is it about what we think, feel, and digest emotionally and physically. We think that personal care and child care products that are labelled as organic, natural, herbal should contain ingredients that…

Plum binggg… :)

As promised during my 3rd anniversary letter, i am sharing healthy recipes as my commitment towards your good health and here i go with my personal favorite temptation for this season.

Cereal Killers !!!

Cornflakes, probably the most best-known and popular breakfast cereal in the world enjoyed on a daily basis by millions of people worldwide. Most health practitioners like me will vouch for a healthy breakfast.

Bewell: Three years later

It has been 3 years since I planted my first sapling called “BeWell” and establishing it as a Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultancy firm to serve those who are in need of real world solutions for their ever worrying Weight…

Carbs : All you need to Know

Often everyone talks about the importance of protein when it comes to weight loss or exercising and recovery, and there is no doubt about its significant role in muscle building & recovery. However, the misuse and management of carbohydrates is…